While, I am not certain that I have "slam dunked" this by any means, I feel that I have been able to add some level of balance and layering in this landscape. It was challenging as the plants and forms were so free of structure, but by using some of what is there and then adding layers and groupings of new plants, this will hopefully add more balance to the landscape.
With the past winter and the heavy snow punishing the more delicate plants, the main structural tree being introduced is a Iseli Foxtail Spruce, or the Somatic Seedless Blue Spruce (whatever looks the best at the nursery) which will give a vibrant contrasting steel blue foliage and a moderate growth rate giving them an additional 8-12' of elevation on their planting beds. In planting them in clusters of threes at opposite ends of the bed, and then adding an additional crabapple at the opposite end of the bed, there starts to be some level of symmetry there. This will help it from looking so "random".
Then, on the ground layer, we are using vibrant copper-maroon foliage plants like Coppertina Ninebark, and other bright greens and chartreuse colors in plants like Magic Carpet Spirea and Bush Honeysuckle, and add layers of new colors in the perennial beds, rather than use three varieties over and over and to death.
Here are the mockup images for this Design Revision.